In April 2014, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) agreed several amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 which relate to financial security of seafarers in cases of abandonment (Reg 2.5), and contractual claims for compensation in the event of a seafarer’s death or long term disability due to an operational injury, illness or hazard (Reg 4.2) will enter into force on 18 January 2017.
As of this date, each ship must carry on board a certificate or other documentary evidence of financial security to comply with these new provisions.
This requirement applies to all commercial vessels over 500 GT which fly the flag of a State Party and engaged in international voyages as well as all vessels over 500 GT calling at a port in a jurisdiction where MLC is in force.
Certificates are not required for ships registered in States which are not party to MLC and which will not call at States which are party to MLC.
Owners must print the Certificates and ensure that they are posted in a conspicuous place on board where they are available to seafarers no later than 18 January 2017.
Upon Client’s request we will promptly issue Certificates fully in accordance with latest MLC requirements and duly provides you with all necessary supporting clarifications. Please contact our Underwriter here