
Reinsurance Protection

One of the important factors in ensuring the fulfillment of the Insurer's obligations to customers on insurance payments is the availability of reinsurance protection and its quality.

Following to the Federal Law No. 55-FZ dated March 14, 2022 the reinsurance of portfolio of AMT Insurance Ltd. has been placed (100%) with Russian National Reinsurance Company (rating of financial stability AAA (RU) since March 16, 2022.

Coverage limits:

  • Property insurance
  • Contract limit: 500,000,000₽
    • Own retention: 50,000,000₽
  • Sea & Ocean
    • Protection and Indemnity
      • Contract limit: 50,000,000$
      • Own retention: 500,000$
    • Hull and Machinery
      • Contract limit: 5,000,000$
      • Own retention: 500,000$
    • Crew
      • Contract limit: 50,000,000$
      • Own retention: 500,000$
  • Aviation insurance
    • Own retention: 50,000,000₽